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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

For those of you who may be coming to my blog for the first time, I am looking to being a missionary to Italy one day with my lovely wife, so these blogs will be highly saturated for prayer requests and updates on our progress towards that goal. Thank for your time and look forward to hearing from you and for your prayers.

So it has been a long time coming since the last letter I sent out, I apologize. We have had a ton of exciting things happen in our lives, personally, working, and church. We have also faced many struggles and trials through these past few months, but through it all, God has remained the same and has greatly encouraged our hearts and walks with Him. 

In our personal lives, Julie and I have faced many things as we continue to grow and learn more about each other and encourage each other in our walks together. We are still paying off the school loans and have recently hit below the 20,000$ amount and are encouraged by that. We started paying those off at about 27$ so within a year, year 1/2 we have put a little under 8,000 on the loans. Please pray for God's continue provision for those to be paid off quickly. Julie and I have been praying for people to personally help with the paying, but also trusting in God's ultimate perfect plan for us in that. We have sold our old car which has helped a lot, and we are still living in Ohio in our apartment.

In our working lives, a lot has changed since last I wrote. Julie is still working at the school as a teacher and enjoying that, but by far is ready for summer. Julie as of right now does not have a promised job next year, but we are praying and trusting the Lord in the provision of that in the coming months. I was laid off in February from the factory job that I had, which was a huge shock but blessing in disguise. I went about a month without a job, but God's goodness and faithfulness during that time was awesome to say the least. I am now working at a bank here called People's Bank as a teller part time which is a huge shift from factory work but really satisfying as I interact with new coworkers and customers every day. I was just hired about 30 days ago, so still fairly new to me. Continue to pray for Julie and I as we interact with a lost and dying world and sharing the good news of Jesus with them. 

In church life, we have also seen a big shift in responsibilities. We have in the past few months seen new members, new people, and baptisms! We are so excited about what God is doing here. Julie is still working in the nursery and now Awana with our many unchurched children from the neighborhood. I have started a part-time internship with the church which requires about 20 hours of time spent doing studying, ministry, and other various responsibilities. I have also started working with the Jr. High on Wednesdays which is a huge challenge. We have about 2-3 Jr. Highers who parents come here,  and about 15 Jr. Highers who are unchurched and from the neighborhood. This proves to be a challenge, but also rewarding to share Jesus with them and watch them understanding the Bible. I am also teaching through the Psalms on Sunday mornings, which is really rewarding as well. Also alongside of that, I am a deacon at the church we are attending. Many things going on and very time consuming for us, but as always, God is good and we are resting in Him and trusting in Him.

I know this was a long email and I left out a lot of what is happening right now, but thank you for your time and reading this. Just some points to highlight for prayer:
  • School loans to be paid off quickly
  • Time management with work and Church
  • Jr high ministry, salvation and commitment
  • For our marriage and personal lives to grow more in Christlikeness
  • For our continual reach into our communities to share with those who don't know Jesus
  • For our Church to grow and mature spiritually and physically
P.S. as a note to highlight, Julie and I will be married one year this Sunday! Amazing, I know. Miss you and love you and your prayers. Remember we can do nothing without the Lord and prayer is the most important thing in the world to see the Spirit work.

On the winning side,
Ryan Bump

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