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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The missionary life

In the life of a missionary or looking ahead to be a missionary, you learn some interesting facts. I live in the ever thought of looking ahead to the next step in life, realizing that I am always in phases. I look at a temporary time scale.

For instance, my wife and I live looking ahead to Italy and the future ministry there. For now we look at three years until Seminary and then four to five years for Seminary and then support raising. Some may look at that and say you do not have a lot of time to build relationships or get settled any where or that it is really far away, but the truth is Christ could come back at any time. And God can always change the time scale for something. So the question then arises, what are we doing to make the most of the time that we do have?

As some one looks towards missions work, I think we get a better idea or picture that we are all living in a temporary phase in life, because we never know what God can bring into our lives next. Whether it is losing a job and having to move or whatever God may bring, we must always be using the most of our time.

How do we make the most our time? Well there are a few things. One is using the free time that we have to study and value God's Word. As a missionary, you will be busy and you never know when you'll have this amount of time again. The second is discipling people that you have influence over. 2 Timothy 2 tells us to teach faithful men so that they can teach faithful men. This is one of the most important things that apart from the Gospel that we can do. Matthew 28:19-20 also tells us to make disciples and share the gospel. The Third thing we can do is bring honor and glory to God in everything. Now that looks differently in some things, but it is key to do. Bringing a good testimony to the work that God is doing in your own life.

So are you living in a mindset that Christ can come back at any time? Because I may not even finish this letter before He returns. We all need to live more in an imminent mindset that Christ is returning and He calls us to use our time more wisely. How are you using your time? Even if you will live in the same house or neighborhood and working the same job twenty years from now, how are you using your time? Because we are all missionaries and ambassadors for Christ.

On the winning side,
Ryan Bump

Exciting Times

Dear prayer warrior,

A lot has been going on since our last prayer letter! Julie and I are very excited for what God is doing through us and in His church.

Julie and I have been on an exciting but hard lesson during our time here in Ohio. We just bought a house and are learning many things that come along with that, but we have seen God provide many marvelous things for us. God has over and over again provided in which we can praise Him for His financial provision.  God has lain upon our hearts to financially invest in a house and use it for His glory, so we have submitted and are excited to see how God will use it for His glory.

                We have seen God bless in many other ways with having over 60 different children in our VBS this summer and seeing many hearing the gospel for the first time. We are praying that God will allow us follow up and time to see those children a part of our Awana season. I am also learning a lot during my internship with the church.
    Things that we are learning and need prayer in are: I am learning to depend upon God in my illness. I have been sick for about two weeks and every day hoping I will wait up better, but God is sustaining and giving strength. Pray for Julie as she continues to look for a job, but on a praise side she was told that she could be a tutor in the fall. I have applied for a full-time bank job so I can have health benefits. Pray for continued areas of ministry here while we are building skills for future ministry in Italy.

                We are excited for the future and as we look ahead to what God is doing, and we want to hear from you as well. We know that our God is big and able to do far more than anything we can imagine, all we need to do is ask. So pray with us and we will see how God uses all of us for His glory.

On the winning side,
Ryan and Julie Bump